Travis Lape

Travis Lape

Travis is a Technology Integrationist at Harrisburg South Middle School in South Dakota.

Brief Biography

Travis has been an educator in the state of South Dakota for three years. He has been both a classroom teacher and technology integrationist in grades K-8. Travis is a strong advocate of using new technology to enhance and engage students in learning. 

Travis’s goal is to create learning experiences that empower and equip students with necessary skills to effectively produce and consume content across multiple media platforms. He also works hard to help educators feel confident when using technology. His goal is that all teachers would take risks and try new ways of engaging students.

Recently, Travis created a digital badge-based professional development platform with the help of Laura Fleming from New MIlford High School. Laura's work on the digital badging was instrumental to helping educators learn about these new tools. Laura's mentorship through this process made it possible for Travis to create this same platform for his teachers. Laura also helped guide us on our journey with creating a Makerspace in our media center. This space has created a buzz in our media center and place where students want to come and tinker. This space is flexible and allows our students to be creative in what they do and design. 

Travis has been selected to present at several conferences in the area. His passion for technology and engaging students is evident in everything he does. 

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