Tony Sinanis

Tony Sinanis

Dr. Tony Sinanis is currently a Lead Learner at Cantiague Elementary School in Jericho, New York.

Brief Biography

Dr. Tony Sinanis is currently a Lead Learner at Cantiague Elementary School in Jericho, New York. Cantiague was named a 2012 National Blue Ribbon School and Tony received the 2014 New York State Elementary Principal of the Year Award. Tony is active on Twitter (@TonySinanis) and serves as the founder and co-moderator of #NYedchat. Tony has presented at both national and local conferences based on his work with social media, blogging and school branding. Finally, Tony has co-authored two books for Corwin Press with Dr. Joe Sanfelippo: The Power of Branding: Telling Your School's Story and Principal Professional Development: Leading Learning in the Digital Age.
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