Stephanie Hirsh

Stephanie Hirsh

Stephanie Hirsh is executive director of Learning Forward, a non profit dedicated to increasing student achievement and educator effectiveness through standards-based professional learning.

Brief Biography

Stephanie Hirsh is executive director of Learning Forward. Learning Forward’s more than 10,000 members and 40 state and provincial affiliates are committed to increasing student achievement and educator effectiveness through standards-based professional learning. 

Before her appointment as executive director, Hirsh served the association as deputy executive director for 18 years. She began her career as a secondary teacher and later served as a school district administrator in the Richardson (Texas) Independent School District. In 1996 she was elected to the Richardson school board and served for three terms. Today, Hirsh advises policymakers, state and local superintendents, foundation leaders, and other thought leaders on improving student learning through effective professional learning and school improvement. 

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