Sean Wolohan

Sean Wolohan

​Sean Wolohan is a member of the Notre Dame ACE Teaching Fellowship Program and a middle school STEM teacher at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Brief Biography

Sean Wolohan is a member of the Notre Dame ACE Teaching Fellowship Program and a middle school STEM teacher at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School in Tulsa, OK. He graduated with a BBA in Accountancy from the University of Notre Dame in 2014, and he will be graduating from ND again in July 2016 with his M. Ed. Sean will be working as the Blended Learning Director and a STEM teacher for an ACE Academy in Indianapolis, IN beginning in Fall 2016.

Sean is excited about the potential for blended learning to transform the classroom experience for all students, especially those that are economically disadvantaged. In the classroom, Sean emphasizes the importance of curiosity and is always discussing the latest in technology with his students. Find him on twitter @sean_wolohan.

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