Nelson Gonzalez

Nelson Gonzalez

Nelson Gonzalez is the co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Declara.

Brief Biography

Nelson González brings over 20 years of global experience in entrepreneurship, education, healthcare and social impact to his role at Declara.

Nelson was founder and CEO of Advent Strategy, a global innovation strategy firm with major corporate and government clients. He served as Chief Strategy Officer at the Stupski Foundation, where he created a campaign to redesign public education systems across eight US states. Nelson also served as a director at the Royal Institution World Science Assembly, which led breakthroughs in pandemic preparedness and surveillance in collaboration with global pharmaceutical and multilateral institutions.

During his career, Nelson has advised the Colombian President and the CEO of Burberry on innovation practices, and managed the campaign of Afghan Finance Minister, Ashraf Chani, for UN Secretary General. He has developed social impact portfolios for Charles and Helen Schwab, Mo Ibrahim, Larry and Joyce Stupski, Walter and Elise Haas, the Stuart Foundation, the Asia Foundation, and the Sobrato family.

A native Colombia who grew up across multiple countries, Nelson began his career as an analyst for the British Royal Household and Booz Allen based in London.

Nelson serves on several boards in the private and public sectors. Nelson did his doctoral work at the London School of Economics in political science, and studied at Oxford University and Amherst College, where he graduated with high honors.

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