Matt Drewette-Card

Matt Drewette-Card

Matt Drewette-Card has been the Director of Curriculum-Instruction-Assessment for Maine's AOS #94 ( since 2012.

Brief Biography

Matt Drewette-Card has been the Director of Curriculum-Instruction-Assessment for AOS #94 ( since 2012. He is recognized as a visionary leader in Maine’s transition to a proficiency-based learning system, technology integration, educator effectiveness, creative and effective instructional techniques, and design thinking. He is one of the #EdChatME Design Team members (Twitter), co-founder of MooseCamp (, and a school board member for MSAD #75 ( He's also a son, a husband, and a father to two brilliant and amazing daughters. Learn more about Matt by connecting with and following him on Twitter and Instagram (drewettecard), or on his blog.

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