Mary Jo Madda

Mary Jo Madda

Mary Jo Madda is senior program manager on the Education for Social Impact team at Google, and a doctoral student at the UCLA School of Education and Information Studies. Previously, she was a director at EdSurge.

Brief Biography

Mary Jo Madda is senior program manager on the Education for Social Impact team at Google, and a doctoral student at the UCLA School of Education and Information Studies. Previously, she was a director at EdSurge.

At the start of her career, she taught middle school math/science with Teach for America's Houston corps (specifically KIPP Houston) and later with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles at St. Cyril of Jerusalem School, where she also served as an administrator, curriculum coordinator, and decathlon coach. Following her years teaching, she was a member of the ScratchED team at the MIT Media Lab, was an instructional coach with MATCH Charter Schools, and served as one of four founding Education Entrepreneurship Fellows at the Harvard University Innovation Lab while piloting an educational media start-up. She was also a fellow in the Harvard Graduate School Leadership Institute.

Mary Jo has an Ed.M. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a B.A. from Northwestern University. She was featured on the Forbes "30 Under 30" list for 2016 for her work at EdSurge, and has spoken at venues including Stanford, the University of Virginia, and TEDxChicago (video here).

In her spare time, Mary Jo is an avid visual artist, marathon runner, and plays a Bill Nye-esque character for her web series, codenamed Dr. MADD.

Articles Written by Mary Jo Madda

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