Kayla Delzer

Kayla Delzer

Kayla Delzer is a 2nd grade teacher and "Project Lead the Way" Lead Teacher in West Fargo, North Dakota.

Brief Biography

Kayla Delzer is a 2nd grade teacher and Project Lead the Way Lead Teacher in West Fargo, North Dakota. In August, she will begin her 8th year of teaching 2nd grade. She holds her master’s degree in Elementary Education and just started the process to become National Board Certified, the highest mark of professional accomplishment.

Kayla is a technology enthusiast, and she works as a consultant for several school districts. She frequently travels around the United States to speak at EdTech conferences. Kayla is a highly connected educator, and her classroom Twitter account, @tweetingtopdogs, has allowed her students to learn virtually with classrooms and experts from all over the world.

She is an exclusive blogger for Creative Teaching Press and has been a featured “Educelebrity” during numerous education Twitter chats. She is highly sought after by educational and technology companies to preview, demo, and review their products. 

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