Jessica Anderson

Jessica Anderson

Jessica is the 2016 Montana Teacher of the Year. She teaches earth science, chemistry, and physics at Powell County High School in Deer Lodge.

Brief Biography

Jessica Anderson, the 2016 Montana Teacher of the Year, is a high school science teacher. Over nine years of teaching, her classroom approach evolved from traditional to a self-paced, blended-gamified environment. In 2014, she was chosen nationally as one of eleven BetterLesson Blended Master Teachers. She has also been recognized as a PBS Lead Digital Innovator (top 30), a state finalist for the 2015 Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching, and has received the Gold Star Award for Excellence in Teaching. Jessica also co-founded and facilitates #MTedchat, a participant-driven education chat on Twitter, In the summer of 2016, Jessica joined the team at BetterLesson as a Blended Learning Instructional Coach.

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