Greg Klein

Greg Klein

Greg is currently the Director of Blended Learning at the Rogers Family Foundation.

Brief Biography

Greg is currently the Director of Blended Learning at the Rogers Family Foundation. He is on the ground, supporting principals, teachers and students at four Oakland district public schools as they make their transitions to blended classrooms. Prior to RFF, Greg helped launch Downtown College Prep's new Alum Rock campus, developing an innovative Learning Lab at the middle school level. While at DCP he managed large groups of students, let the computers do everything that they do well, and focused his attention on teaching. Greg began his career in education reform as a teacher, coach and administrator in the Oakland Unified School District for 7 years, including building his own mini-lab in his classroom as a first-year teacher. Self-proclaimed tech geek, Greg is dad to two adorable daughters and lives with wife Mariah in Oakland.

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