Glenn Wiebe

Glenn Wiebe

Glenn is a former social studies teacher with 15 years of experience. He is currently president of the Kansas Council for the Social Studies and an educational consultant.​

Brief Biography

After 15 years in middle school, high school, and college classrooms, Glenn now spends his time as an education and technology consultant, excited about the learning process and traveling across the country for ESSDACK providing keynotes, presentations, and curriculum development. As a Google Certified Educator and Apple trainer, he also frequently assists schools as they integrate Apple and Google products.

He writes almost daily at History Tech, was a 2014 Edublog finalist, and maintains Social Studies Central, a repository of resources targeted at K-12 educators cited in national professional journals. Starting in 2013, he acted as co-chair for the Kansas State Department of Education social standards writing and assessment committee and currently serves as president of the Kansas Council for the Social Studies.

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