Chris Flood

Chris Flood

​Chris Flood is the Director of Public Information and Community Engagement for the Kettle Moraine School District located in Wales, Wisconsin--a small community in Waukesha County.

Brief Biography

Chris Flood is the Director of Public Information and Community Engagement for the Kettle Moraine School District located in Wales, Wisconsin--a small community in Waukesha County. Flood graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and Media Communication with an emphasis on Public Relations. He worked as a freelance journalist, writing community features and arts profiles for local publications in Milwaukee's north shore communities. Later, Flood became a staff writer for a daily and weekly newspaper where he covered Waukesha County Education. It was through this work that he got a first-hand look at the changing educational landscape and yearned to be part of public school district that was making significant strides in innovation. Flood happily joined Kettle Moraine School District for that reason and has been with the District for nearly 2 years.

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