Cali Morrison

Cali Morrison

Cali M.K. Morrison is interim dean of the Center for Professional and Continuing Education at American Public University System.

Brief Biography

Cali M.K. Morrison is interim dean of the Center for Professional and Continuing Education at American Public University System. She earned her Ed.D. in higher education administration at Montana State University.

Previously, Cali was the assistant director for communications and analysis at the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies and project director of Transparency by Design at WCET, where she became interested in studying adult learners and accountability. Current research interests include competency-based education and microcredentials.

Cali lives near Bozeman, Montana, with her four-legged officemates, homebuilder hubby and two daughters. She volunteers with Thrive and the Bozeman Area Community Foundation through Women Who Wine.

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